Hey There
My name is Lauren.
Welcome to my blog.
Who do I want to be?
When I was young, I answered this with an occupation: a doctor, a scientist, a teacher... When I think about this question now, I think about what I want my heart filled with.
I want to be strong. A woman who fearlessly chases the Lord. A woman who walks in humility. A woman who can summon her inner child and flee to adventure whenever I please. A woman with imagination. A woman who is kind but can stand her ground. A woman who is patient. Courageous. Warm. Bold. Caring. Daring. And most importantly, a woman who loves first.
This blog is a collection of stories and poems that follow my pursuit to be that woman. To find purpose in the places I am called to. To shed light on human experiences and emotions. To express my raw self.
I’m not sure what you are looking to find but I hope your stay is enjoyable. I hope you learn a little bit about me and discover a little bit about you.
Happy reading,